Lif3 is full of bLu3s

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Crucial Times AHEAD!

1st of all, not goin to give out details on why I haven't been bloggin for ages...just put it in the way that I found some ppl to talk to, ppl that I can share my thoughts with...

This semester, things haven't gone the way that I wud wan them to be...been slacking...the timing been so shyty, I wud do anything just to have more time...FFS!!!
This semester, is the most important part of my life, it will determine whether I will get to 2nd year of uni or else, I'm done for...I wasted too much time, money, effort n already disappointed every1 who put so much hope on me.
Now that I'm not sure I can get to the tempo I had last semester, when I just flew pass all the subjects...I'm really worried that I will flunk this semester. Such high standards have been set last semester, I doubt I will repeat such feat. Well, it's not about confidence or wat so ever, for once, I know shyt happens when it is crucial, so so important to me... =(

Had a chat wif my Dad, and he did mention about this as well, why the hell things seem to go bad when I need to do well...sigh...I don't even have that answer for him.
I'm trying to put this in my head "Life ain't suck if u dun make it", says 1 of my frens back in college, which is quite true, but I can't help just sucks, sometimes I feel so tired...tired of life. A fren just said, "Young man, dun be tired of life" I suppose the sentence continues "...there are great things ahead"

Solution? I suppose I have to my keep mind focus, I need to spend more time on my studies now, don't think there's any other way...time to pick up the pace... so fragile, I think some people shud just appreciate their life a lil bit more, instead of whinning all the time, complaining about this n that (me =b)
Saw this nick on my MSN list, says "Live life to the fullest" which I can't agree more.
Somehow, I just feel life is so short...and again, I think I did mention this in my previous blog...but oh well, I wana try to enjoy it while I can n without forgeting my priorities.
Food for thought?

I think that's about it for me 2nite...cheers Lil_Ben