There are so many moments in many of them that you hardly remember most of them, isn't that right? Well, wait a second, moments = memories? Hmm.Sigh, I'm lost. Erm, actually I wanted to talk about depression, erm, no, sadness, erm, whatever that is negative actually. I just feel sad after I found out that MU lost 2-1 at home to Blackburn Rovers. Quite sad actually. I have high hopes that the club will do well this season and to drop points like that and especially at home, I have nothing much to say. Sometimes I do question the ability of the manager to pick the squad for the game but who I am to do that? Then, this leads to another point I am trying to make in today's blog. Trigger effect. Sometimes, or most of the time, things happen in a "trigger effect" way. It's already the second week of the break, classes will be starting soon and I haven't done a single meaningful thing, besides soccer. Sometimes I wonder how life be so pathetic? Or life is so unfair? The thing you want most is the hardest to get, sounds familiar? But I think I can't be complaining too much because I think life has been kind for me, well, to a certain extend. So, back to the "trigger effect". There was this one time, my boss asked me "Ben, it's break already, not going anywhere? Look around you, your friends are hanging out with girls during the break and what are you doing? Staying at home alone in your room" Pathetic, sad but true =(. Then a friend asked, "Having break right? No target?" adding salt to the wound =(. As I mentioned on the previous entry, I believe I don't have time for 'socialising'. Even my dad asked me on the phone a while ago, "Not going anywhere during the break?" I was kinda shocked, my dad asked me that question, normally he would go like "Are you doing your revision?" sigh, how ironic. "Trigger effect" one bad thing comes along another bad thing. My mum told me that she couldn't get cheap tickets for me to go back end of the year. Bad news? Sort of. If I don't go back, what the hell can I do over here? Rot? Sigh, such is life.
Moments in Life
One day I was in the car, on my back home from work, then something just reminds me of some stuffs happened in the past. I remember I used to drive to college back at home, wake up like 6 in the morning, sometime my mum wakes me up, I so miss that time, miss my mum so much, feels like yesterday, when I was just 17-18 years old. I also remember sometimes I wake my parents up, as they have to prepare to go to work. Then I will have my shower and grab my stuffs and head to college with my Beetle. Sometimes I even give rides to my friends, who just live around the corner. Ah, the good old days. Back then, my dad is seldom at home and I just run riot. Come to think of it, I think my mum had a hard time back then, I wasn't thinking at all =( I am being a bad boy. I go out early in the morning, then come back late at night, it's like home is just a place for me to sleep. Oh yea, I miss that Honda Civic too =(. Drived to college a few times. Just few like I own the street when I drive that car =b me and some moments with the car, I think my mum likes the car a lot too. She gone throught a lot with the car, thick and thin. Sent flowers with car, go to work with the car and the car broke down a number of times, sometimes the air-conditioner turns out to be a heater instead. And my papa, hmm, looked so old already. I saw his photos when he was younger, looked so different. Sigh, time just flies, even you ponder for just a moment. Is about time my dad retire, soon. I don't feel like he should still be working, he who walk from such path, should be enjoying himself already. Sometimes I feel it is my fault, that I always let my parents down =(. So the pressure is on, I bet he is counting the days till I graduate.
A picture I took before I left for Adelaide this year. Everyone looks happy? You bet =).
Moments in Life
One day I was in the car, on my back home from work, then something just reminds me of some stuffs happened in the past. I remember I used to drive to college back at home, wake up like 6 in the morning, sometime my mum wakes me up, I so miss that time, miss my mum so much, feels like yesterday, when I was just 17-18 years old. I also remember sometimes I wake my parents up, as they have to prepare to go to work. Then I will have my shower and grab my stuffs and head to college with my Beetle. Sometimes I even give rides to my friends, who just live around the corner. Ah, the good old days. Back then, my dad is seldom at home and I just run riot. Come to think of it, I think my mum had a hard time back then, I wasn't thinking at all =( I am being a bad boy. I go out early in the morning, then come back late at night, it's like home is just a place for me to sleep. Oh yea, I miss that Honda Civic too =(. Drived to college a few times. Just few like I own the street when I drive that car =b me and some moments with the car, I think my mum likes the car a lot too. She gone throught a lot with the car, thick and thin. Sent flowers with car, go to work with the car and the car broke down a number of times, sometimes the air-conditioner turns out to be a heater instead. And my papa, hmm, looked so old already. I saw his photos when he was younger, looked so different. Sigh, time just flies, even you ponder for just a moment. Is about time my dad retire, soon. I don't feel like he should still be working, he who walk from such path, should be enjoying himself already. Sometimes I feel it is my fault, that I always let my parents down =(. So the pressure is on, I bet he is counting the days till I graduate.